Cross Cutting Thematic Areas


UNICEF is committed to fostering initiatives that mainstream people-centered approaches and Grand Bargain commitments to deliver quality, equitable and inclusive humanitarian services. Clusters can play an important role in supporting its membership in ensuring that such issues are addressed in strategic and contingency planning to promote people-centred approach and action within each sector. These “people-centered approach initiatives" include Gender-based Violence risk mitigation, Disability, Localisation and Accountability to Affected Populations, and efforts to better consider Cash and Voucher Assistance.

All Thematic Areas

Accountability to Affected Populations (AAP)
Accountability to Affected Populations (AAP) icon

Accountability to Affected Populations (AAP)

Accountability to Affected Populations (AAP) is about using power and resources ethically and responsibly. It’s about putting the needs and interests of the people and communities organisations serve at the centre of decision-making, and ensuring the most appropriate and relevant outcomes for them, while preserving their rights and dignity and increasing their resilience to face situations of vulnerability and crisis.

Gender Based Violence (GBV) Risk Mitigation
GBV icon

Gender Based Violence (GBV) Risk Mitigation

UNICEF implements concrete measures to reduce GBV risk across all its programmatic sectors and clusters.  GBV risk mitigation refers to interventions undertaken within other (non-GBV) humanitarian sectors to help ensure programming is as safe and accessible as possible, notably for women and girls.

Sectoral Toolkits on GBV Risk Mitigation integration into the HPC:

disability icon


Children and adults with disabilities are among the most marginalized people in any community affected by crisis. Exacerbating this situation, they often are excluded from humanitarian assistance. Programmes and services set up to help people deal with and recover from the crisis can be designed to include children with disabilities from the outset.

UNICEF has developed guidance to help make sure that children and adolescents with disabilities are included in all stages of humanitarian action – from preparing for emergencies to recovering from them.

Localisation icon


Local humanitarian actors are usually the first to respond when disasters strike and often have access to areas that international actors do not. Their presence within communities before, during, and after crises means they are generally best placed to link immediate response efforts to longer term resilience-building, preparedness and recovery. Their knowledge may also increase chances of successful and context sensitive responses.

Cash & Voucher Assistance
Cash & Voucher Assistance icon

Cash & Voucher Assistance

Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) is a programme delivery modality that can be used whenever economic vulnerability needs to be addressed, multi-sectorally or in sectors. CVA is a demand-side intervention allowing individuals, households and communities to access basic goods and services. CVA is an alternative to goods distribution or to free access to services, and they all aim to achieve similar outcomes.

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