UNICEF-led/co-lead Clusters/AoR Side Event at COP 28: Fragility and Climate: Joined up action for Collective

UNICEF-led/co-led clusters are hosting a side event titled Fragility and Climate: Joined-up Action for Collective Outcomes, at the upcoming COP28 conference in Dubai. We invite you and your partners to attend this session if you will be present for COP28 in person.

UNICEF-led/co-lead Clusters/AoR Side Event at COP 28: Fragility and Climate: Joined up action for Collective image The session will showcase thought leadership and key initiatives across the UNICEF-led/co-led Clusters and Area of Responsibility (Education, Nutrition, WASH, Child Protection) through engagement with humanitarian, development, and peace actors. It will focus on how joint action and #collectiveoutcomes can more efficiently respond to the increasing needs of those most affected by and vulnerable to crises in fragile and climate-affected contexts.  

If you are attending COP28, please register here for the event and please let us know your participation in 2 clicks here!

When: Sunday, 3rd December, 10h30 – 12h00 UAE time

Where: COP 28, Women’s Pavilion at the Humanitarian Hub, Green Zone

Please share with your networks and help us spread the word!

For any questions, please direct them to Elena Gonzalez, UNICEF EMOPS Advocacy and Communications Specialist, at elgonzalez@unicef.org

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