CLARE II: realising UNICEF’s cluster lead role for a better tomorrow

In September, world leaders attending the UN General Assembly committed to a new phase of accelerated progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In fragile contexts, it is only by coming together that we will be able to improve humanitarian responses, build resilience and ensure development gains. UNICEF’s cluster lead role can help us deliver the humanitarian partnership and leadership needed for accelerated action towards 2030.

Delivering a timely, quality and principled humanitarian responses

In 2022, the second evaluation of the UNICEF role as Cluster Lead/Co-lead agency (CLARE II) assessed progress in the fulfilment of UNICEF’s humanitarian coordination and leadership role. The main findings and recommendation, derived from consultations with ample staff, partners and Member States, are summarised in this short video.

As with the Humanitarian Review, the CLARE II highlights the potential of UNICEF’s role as cluster lead agency to strengthen the quality and effectiveness of collective humanitarian action.

The potential role of coordination for transformational change 

Over the past ten years, the increasing duration, complexity and scale of humanitarian crises have challenged cluster lead agencies. CLARE II noted positive results in UNICEF’s cluster lead coordination responsibilities at global and country levels.

The challenges highlighted are often associated with the lack of fully staffed or implemented coordination mechanisms. In this context, greater investment and attention to the coordination function can be critical for realizing our vision with accountability to affected populations, localization, a humanitarian-development nexus and the centrality of protection.

In September 2024, the United Nations will convene the Summit of the Future on ‘Multilateral Solutions for a Better Tomorrow.’ Implementing CLARE II recommendations and strengthening our coordination mechanisms will better prepare us to address old and new challenges in the humanitarian setting and boosting SDGs.

To learn more, read the full CLARE II report or review the actions committed by the end of 2024 in the CLARE II Evaluation Management Response endorsed by UNICEF Executive Board.

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