Humanitarian Coordination is UNICEF’s first commitment for children in humanitarian action. This Guide on Cluster Lead Agency Accountabilities and Humanitarian Coordination has been updated from its 2015 version to better equip UNICEF Country Offices (co-) leading the education, nutrition, and WASH clusters and child protection area of responsibility.
The guide was updated to incorporate new policies and evaluation recommendations, including the UNICEF Core Commitments for Children, Humanitarian Review, second Evaluation of UNICEF role as Cluster Lead Agency (CLARE II) and UNICEF Emergency Procedures among others. It is a reference document, not intended to be read from cover to cover. To facilitate consultation, the information in the guide is structured in two ways: Part One is organized by topic and Part Two by role. The guide comes with an accompanying pocket book. Also, it will be available soon in SharePoint and similarly structured by topic and by role. The guide and website will be translated into French and Spanish later this year. Stay tuned for our dissemination webinars and clinics, and an upcoming FAQ!