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Learning and Development Strategy 2021-2026

Following from the Humanitarian Review and CLARE II report, the Global Cluster Coordination Section (GCCS), in UNICEF’s Office of Emergency Programmes, conducted a Current State Analysis (CSA) to provide further clarity on the presenting issues and their implications. The findings of the CSA form the basis of the subsequent Talent Management Strategy (TMS) which provides a strategic direction for responding to the presenting issues. The TMS identifies specific actions to address issues raised and offers a roadmap for their implementation in a manner which is sustainable. The aim of the TMS is to ensure that: “UNICEF attracts, develops, nurtures, retains and is able to deploy the capacity required for cluster coordination and information management at the national and sub national levels to help fulfil and leverage its role as a Cluster Lead Agency, and for the benefit of children, young people and their communities affected by humanitarian crisis. The GCCS Learning and Development Strategy is part of this ongoing work to address critical challenges raised in the Humanitarian Review, CLARE II report and CSA and sits alongside the GCCS Talent Management Strategy.

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