Cluster Approach

About The Cluster Approach

Clusters are voluntary groups of UN agencies, NGOs, government bodies and other humanitarian actors working in specific technical sectors to coordinate humanitarian action when a national government requests international support. They aim to make the humanitarian community better organized and more accountable to crisis-affected people. There are 11 clusters globally, each lead by a Cluster Lead Agency. These clusters can also be activated at a national level and at a subnational level during emergencies.

UNICEF is Cluster Lead/co-Lead Agency for child protection, education, nutrition and WASH. The Global Cluster Coordination Section (GCCS) in UNICEF Office of Emergency Programmes (EMOPS) supports this Cluster Lead role to ensure effective partnership and leadership of global and national clusters.

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Thematic Areas

Clusters can play an important role in supporting its membership in ensuring that such issues are addressed in strategic and contingency planning to promote people-centred approach and action within each sector.

Accountability to Affected Populations (AAP) icon

Accountability to Affected Populations (AAP)

Accountability to Affected Populations (AAP) is about using power and resources ethically and responsibly.

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Gender Based Violence (GBV) Risk Mitigation

UNICEF implements concrete measures to reduce GBV risk across all its programmatic sectors and clusters.

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Children and adults with disabilities are among the most marginalized people in any community affected by crisis. Exacerbating this situation, they often are excluded from humanitarian assistance.

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Local humanitarian actors are usually the first to respond when disasters strike and often have access to areas that international actors do not.

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Cash & Voucher Assistance

Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) is a programme delivery modality that can be used whenever economic vulnerability needs to be addressed, multi-sectorally or in sectors.

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