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Fulfilling UNICEF Cluster Lead Agency Accountabilities and its Coordination Role in Humanitarian Settings.Humanitarian Coordination is UNICEF’s first commitment for children in humanitarian action. This Guide on Cluster Lead Agency Accountabilities and Humanitarian Coordination has been updated from its 2015 version to better equip UNICEF Country Offices (co-) leading the education, nutrition, and WASH clusters and child protection area of responsibility. 
Fulfilling UNICEF Cluster Lead Agency Accountabilities and its Coordination Role in Humanitarian Settings.Humanitarian Coordination is UNICEF’s first commitment for children in humanitarian action. This Guide on Cluster Lead Agency Accountabilities and Humanitarian Coordination has been updated from its 2015 version to better equip UNICEF Country Offices (co-) leading the education, nutrition, and WASH clusters and child protection area of responsibility. 
Learn more about the achievements and challenges of UNICEF’s role as Cluster (co-) Lead Agency, and recommendations on how to exercise this role moving forward: The 'CLARE II' Evaluation and the Review of the Global Education Cluster Co-Leadership | UNICEF Evaluation
The main purpose of this document is to support UNICEF as a Cluster Lead Agency in meeting cluster accountabilities.
Strengthening UNICEF’s Humanitarian Action.The Humanitarian Review examines UNICEF's humanitarian operations in the context of the global challenges of the 21st century: rapid rises in the number, scale, duration and complexity of humanitarian crises; climate breakdown and the impact of extreme weather events; large-scale migration and displacement of populations; significant public health emergencies, including the global pandemic of COVID-19; and constraints and greater demands on funding from a widening community of humanitarian actors.
Read these 2 reports to learn more about achievements and challenges of
Following from the Humanitarian Review and CLARE II report, the Global Cluster Coordination Section (GCCS), in UNICEF’s Office of Emergency Programmes, conducted a Current State Analysis (CSA) to provide further clarity on the presenting issues and their implications. The findings of the CSA form the basis of the subsequent Talent Management Strategy (TMS) which provides a strategic direction for responding to the presenting issues.

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